Eartheart Dialog is a place where we discuss how our lives are evolving and reflecting the wisdom of nature, of which we are a part, as we reach to fulfill "our heart's desire". In this space we can share creative experiences, work and explore our common ground. This is also an invitation to discuss matters of spirituality and the environment, art and design, and a heartful planet.

Monday, November 23, 2020

Ariadne’s thread, with tea bag wisdom notes, offers aid for our way out of these labyrinthian times to a new sense of home and life on Earth. This partly silly image, totally serious message suggests we spend a bit of Thanksgiving week communing with nature out-of-doors. No matter the weather. The natural world is unmasked; fortunately I still remember each of you similarly.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

The door is now open for correction course measures; even small local acts make huge differences. I am grateful that our life spirals overlap. Your influence keeps me encouraged to continue becoming what is ahead for me. I am not alone.


Happy Thanksgiving dear ALL!

Elizabeth, November 22, 2020